I came into the gym to stay off the streets and out of trouble. I have been training and fighting for 2 1/2 years now.
R2 - How has training gone for your upcoming title fight?
It went good. It was very hard and tough. We did a lot of road work, mitt work, bag work and just a lot of work in general... But it will all be worth it in the end!
R3-What kind of future do you see yourself having in either Kickboxing or Boxing?
My goal right now is to win my next fight, after that we will sit down and see where it takes me. The ultimate goal is to turn pro in boxing.
R4 - How does it feel fighting for a Kickboxing title in your home state of NM?
PRESSURE! A LOT OF PRESSURE! but I'm well prepared. It feels great to be fighting in front of my friends and family and also in my gym!
R5 - Anything you like to say to all your fans?
Thank you for all your support, come and see some of the best Amateur Kick boxers and boxers in NM, I would also like to thank Sigung and all the coaches at Rosales Kickboxing/Boxing/MMA.