N.M.C.S. would like to clear a few things up about NM Boxer Archie Ray Marquez' injury.
N.M.C.S. just got off the phone with Archie's manager and he said Archie is off the Aug.30th show at Sky City Casino with a injury, but the injury itself wasn't reported correctly.... We reported the injury was torn cartilage on his left ribs. Archie's manager said it was dislocated cartilage on his rib, the difference is worlds apart... If it was torn cartilage it would have required surgery to repair with a long layoff, with dislocated cartilage you don't need surgery with a maximum layoff of 6 weeks. Archie's manger also said Archie is already jogging but when he tries to throw punches he still feels discomfort. Archie's camp expects him to have a full recovery and may be back in the ring as early as September.